


Published August 12th, 2021 by DMV Solutions

August 12, 2021 – As we continue providing remote Information Technology & Management Consulting services to the U.S. Federal Government, we are pleased to announce our recent recertification by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) as a HUBZone firm. Our virtual site visit was a success!

The Historically Underutilized Business Zones (HUBZone) program helps small businesses in urban and rural communities gain preferential access to federal procurement opportunities. These preferences go to small businesses that obtain HUBZone certification in part by employing staff who live in a HUBZone. The company must also maintain a "principal office" in one of these specially designated areas. This article discusses characteristics and eligibility for small businesses to be a part of HUBZone which can be helpful for the small business owner as well as the contracting officers. Contracting officers can find this information useful as well, in addition to some of the information about regulations to cater to their needs in assisting small businesses which are qualified as HUBZones.

"An SBA official recently conducted a site visit of your HUBZone-certified firm’s principal office. I am pleased to inform you that the site visit report was sufficient to provide reasonable assurance that your firm is in compliance with the HUBZone program requirements as defined in 13 C.F.R. § 126.200.

At this time, there is no further action necessary on your part. Thank you for your participation in the program examination process and your continued participation in the HUBZone Program."


Bruce Purdy
Deputy Director
Office of the HUBZone Program
Office of Government Contracting and Business Development
U.S. Small Business Administration

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